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Talent Retention Strategies

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Proven Approaches to Identify, Engage, and Empower Top Talent

The healthcare sector is grappling with a talent retention crisis. This year alone, hospital CEO exits surged by 58%, necessitating rapid succession planning. The healthcare industry experienced a 22.7% annual turnover rate for all hospital employees last year. The toll is substantial, impacting financial loss, patient satisfaction, and even patient safety. 

Investing in well-designed leadership development solutions can be the key to reducing turnover rates and improving organizational performance. Gallup's research underscores this fact, revealing that teams in the top 20% of engagement, which includes participation in leadership development, experience 59% less turnover.

In TLD Group’s new guide, "Talent Retention Strategies: Proven Approaches to Identify, Engage, and Empower Top Talent," we offer a comprehensive strategy to enhance retention by identifying, engaging, and empowering top talent. Our actionable tools and surveys serve as catalysts for these strategies, ensuring their seamless integration into your team's unique needs and the broader organizational context.

This exclusive content equips you with actionable insights to build an environment where employees remain:

  • Engaged
  • Invested
  • Excited about their roles 

Download our guide for access to tools you can start using to identify, engage, and empower your top talent today.